Asset Guidance Group, LLC’s Substack, "The Lighthouse"
Asset Guidance Group's "The Lighthouse" Substack Podcast
Asset Guidance Group, LLC's "The Lighthouse"

Asset Guidance Group, LLC's "The Lighthouse"

Free Podcast June 22, 2024

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This communication has been provided to you for informational purposes only and may not be relied upon by you in evaluating the merits of investing in any Asset Guidance Group, LLC, a registered investment advisor, investment strategy or composites. Any net performance results portrayed include the reinvestment of all dividends and other earnings. Past performance is not indicative of future results, and there can be no guarantee as to the accuracy of market forecasts. Opinions, estimates, and forecasts may be changed without notice. This material is not a solicitation to purchase any securities, including shares of any investment company. The views and opinions expressed are provided for general information only. The views and opinions expressed are those of Asset Guidance Group, LLC, a registered investment advisor, at the time of publication and are subject to change. There is no guarantee that these views will come to pass. The statistical information presented in this communication is provided by Asset Guidance Group, LLC, a registered investment advisor, Internal Research.
Investment in equity strategies involves substantial risk and has the potential for partial or complete loss of funds invested. Investment in fixed income components has the potential for the investment return and principal value of an investment to fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth less than their original cost. Dividend payments are not guaranteed. The amount of a dividend payment, if any, can vary over time and issuers may reduce dividends paid on securities in the event of a recession or adverse event affecting a specific industry or issuer.
The views and opinions expressed do not constitute specific tax, legal, or investment or financial guidance to, or recommendations for, any person, and the material is not meant to provide financial or investment guidance and does not consider the particular financial circumstances of individual investors. Before investing in any investment product, investors should consult their financial or tax advisor, accountant, or attorney regarding their specific situation.
The hypothetical performance results for investment publications that are authored or edited by Wallace R Nichols, MBA, JD, CFP® Professional, or Jarod W. Nichols, and published through Asset Guidance Group, LLC, a registered investment advisor’s “The Lighthouse” publications, including its Paid Subscriptions podcast, are not based on any actual securities trading, portfolio, or accounts, and the publications reported hypothetical performances should be considered mere “paper” or proforma hypothetical performance results and are not actual performance of real world trades. There are material differences between Asset Guidance Group, LLC, a registered investment advisor’s Retirement and Investment Portfolios and Models, which are always reported net of fees and costs. The trades and symbols discussed in this publication contain hypothetical performance that do not include transaction costs, advisory fees, or other fees a client might incur if actual investments and trades were being made by an investor. As a result, podcast performance should not be used to evaluate Asset Guidance Group, LLC, a registered investment advisor’s investment services which are separate and different from “The Lighthouse” publications. Any questions concerning the publications should be referred to Asset Guidance Group at (404) 348-4120 or to the Substack Chat or messaging areas. You may email us directly at

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Asset Guidance Group, LLC’s Substack, "The Lighthouse"
Asset Guidance Group's "The Lighthouse" Substack Podcast
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